William Eugene Kline
William Kline was the sixth son of Josiah and Susan, the eighth for Susan. Born February 28, 1882 in Wolfsville, Maryland. William was married to Susan Melissa Naille, who was born in 1887.
The 1900 Census shows that William was working as a farm laborer.
On the 1910 Census William is listed at the head of household with S. Melissa as the wife indicating that they had been married for a year. Willie continued to work as a farm laborer.
The 1920 Census shows that they had three children: Charles, Roy and Catherine.
The 1930 census indicates that all three children were still living at home.
There is a an indicator that they may have lost one infant child at sometime in their lives.
William died on November 6, 1952 at the home of her daughter Catherine Valentine from complications due to a lengthy illness. He was a retired farmer and a long time member of Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren. He left behind his wife, 3 children, and 8 grandchildren.
Susan passed away May 15, 1961 at the home of her son Roy in Clear Spring on Route 2. Her passing was caused from heart conditions following a lengthy illness. She was a long time member of the Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren. She is buried next to her husband Grossnickle Curch of the Brethren in Ellerton Maryland.